Presented by the Board of Lochcarron Leisure Centre Company

Company Limited by Guarantee no. SC34543

Scottish Charity No. SC0405026

On the 14th March an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Lochcarron Leisure Centre was held to update members and the wider public on the progress of the Fitness Centre Project. The event was well attended despite the cold and snowy weather. The main purpose of the meeting was to gain the authority from the Ordinary Members of the Lochcarron Leisure Centre Company to proceed with the project. We are delighted to announce that the motion to proceed was unanimously supported by those present.

On 16th January the Lochcarron Leisure Centre Company acquired ownership on behalf of the Community in Lochcarron and surrounding area of the Portakabin building which was formerly used as the Lochcarron Playgroup. This was purchased through the Community Right to Buy scheme from Highland Council and will ensure that the building and area immediately surrounding it are maintained and kept for community access and use. The building is insured, has power and the potential to become a really useful and economically viable asset to the community. The proposal is that the space be prepared for use as a Fitness Centre. The building meets all requirements for accessibility for disabled members of the population and will be designed to meet the needs of users of all abilities and capabilities.

We hope to provide a professional grade facility for all the residents of this area.


There is a plan to completely refurbish the existing premises, decorate it, fit it out with appropriate flooring, equipment and the necessary facilities to open the building as the Lochcarron Fitness and Leisure Centre.

The Fitness Centre will be open to all residents in Lochcarron and the surrounding area through a variety of membership packages. This will enable residents of all ages, abilities and fitness levels to maintain and improve mobility, balance and overall physical and mental health levels. Crucially, it will also be available to patients to assist with rehabilitation after illness or operations (following instructions and medical advice).

Lochcarron residents will have access to an all-weather exercise area equipped to professional standard.

It will be of great benefit to those who are competitors in individual sports as well those participants in club sports such as rowing and shinty. It will enable people to maintain fitness and stamina when alternatives may not be possible due to the vagaries of the local climate. It will be available to visitors and occasional users.

What have we done so far?

Even before the final transfer of ownership we have been working to research requirements and costs and to build a business plan that would allow us to assess the viability from both a business and a community perspective, seek funding and support. We have conducted research visits to three local gym facilities which are similar to that which we hope to provide. The Applecross Gym is featured in our pictures.

Everyone has been very helpful and supportive, sharing their knowledge and experience to assist us to avoid some of the pitfalls and problems. We have received offers of further help from all those we spoke to and will certainly be seeking further information and advice. We are grateful for their openness and support.

Building & Security: Starting with the building itself we have had discussions with Portakabin about its structure and the viability of our plans. They have confirmed that the structural integrity of the building is not affected by removal of partitions. We are therefore able to consider using all the space available in any configuration. The only limitation here will be time and cost.

Equipment: We researched products and providers, gaining knowledge, guidance and support to inform our plans. It is critical for the safety of users, the requirements of insurance and the longevity of the equipment that only items that meet the requirements for a professional gym are introduced to the Fitness Centre. We have a wish list of equipment and have already received offers of three pieces of equipment which meet the standard required.

Capital Funding : To fund the refurbishment of the premises and the purchase of gym equipment we are drafting applications for funding support from a number of sources including

o the Community Fund,

o the Highland Games Fund

o the National Lottery.

We will also be seeking sponsorship from local businesses and conducting fundraising activities locally.

• Local fundraising: We have already held a successful quiz night at the Lochcarron Hotel in February and also supported the Lochcarron Shinty club’s race night. We thank them both for their support for our project.

• Proposed Gym Fees : The gym will be operated to ensure that it is self-funding once the membership is opened to the public. It is our intention to offer a number of packages for residents and visitors including a drop-in rate, as well as monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly and annual subscriptions.

There will be a preferential rate for members referred by medical practitioners (G.P.s Physiotherapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists etc)

Proposal for Gym Access, Facilities: This is an outline of our current thinking and we welcome your views and responses to the following ideas-

  • The gym will be open from 0600hrs until 2200hrs and be accessed by datalock codes/electronic keys (for which a deposit will be required).

  • Although management representatives will be present at some point during each day the Fitness Centre will be largely unmanned.

  • The facility will be equipped to the highest professional standards using equipment that is comparable to professional gyms.

  • There will be a range of equipment for cardio-vascular exercises such as a treadmill, cycles, rowing machine , elliptical trainer.

  • There will also be equipment for resistance training and weight training.

  • All users must be members of the Fitness Centre and be registered under one of our subscription plans and have completed an induction.

  • There is currently a disabled toilet in the premises which will remain and be for all users. There are currently no plans for shower facilities.

Requirement for Ongoing Management: Once the refurbishment is complete and the equipment is purchased and installed there will be the need for ongoing daily care and management of the premises and equipment. The Board have a number of responsibilities in this area and proposals need to be developed to ensure that the Fitness Centre maintains high levels of hygiene and safety. Equipment and premises will need to be cleaned and monitored daily and all Health & Safety requirements must be met.

So What now?

It is vital that the Lochcarron Leisure Centre company and the Fitness Centre project can secure the support of the community. Before committing to the major expenditure on building work, equipment procurement and proceeding with funding applications, we had an Extraordinary General Meeting to hear the views of our potential users and to recruit new members to the Company. A members vote was taken and it was agreed that we should proceed broadly as planned. We are now confident that Lochcarron will have a Fitness Centre in operation by the end of the 2023 and that it will provide a first class fitness facility for residents and visitors alike. We have also received many offers of support from those present and this has greatly heartened the Board.

Please do come and join us if you think you can help in any way to make these plans a reality.

If you are interested in supporting your Fitness Centre please complete this questionnaire and drop it in one of the reply boxes that will be available from 1st April in the Spar and other outlets in the village.

Contact Dr. David Murray M.B.E.

Chair of the Lochcarron Leisure Centre Company